Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Archive for August, 2012

Friday Prose

   Friday Prose is by Jay.  

Laugh a little.  Laugh a lot.

Live a little.  Live a lot.

Smile a little.  Smile a lot.

Celebrate you a little.  Celebrate you a lot.

It is your life, so give it a shot.

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

New DayNew BeginningsNew Opportunities.

Make good use of them. 


   Take a moment today to say a prayer for those who are the victims of Hurricane Isaac.

If you are able to send a donation to those organizations that aid victims please do so.

Thank you,



   Hi Everyone,

I am not one who shares personal information…yet today I want to share a few details in light that it can help you or someone you know who is in a quandary about where to go in life. 

Last year I had a full respiratory arrest, in a coma and there was a bit of time that oxygen was cut off to my brain, no major damage but just a twinge, so I have had to learn to deal with that uniqueness.  It has taken an abundance of determination, facing challenges, and allowing me to experience whatever it was I needed to experience to get to where I want to go.  Slight as it may be it still has had a profound affect on all things in my life.  From these experiences I have gained better insight and understanding of myself as me.  Decisions have not been easy for me and things I used to do in a twinkling of an eye, well, took a very long time to accomplish, outside my norm.  

This blog was my first step to regaining my creativity and life, literally. 

Newness is in my life.  As I am gaining more strength and mental determination, coming into my own so to speak, choices/decisions have been made and are now taking form.  I have made a decision to follow childhood dreams and resurrect my acting and writing careers.  I have had a 36 year hiatus from the stage and 20 years from television.  Looking at some head and body shots from decades ago of a slimmer and full head of hair me, my wife and I just laugh and wonder where the hair went…ah, genetics.

Determination has been revived and new plans of action are taking place for the acting and writing careers.  In order to get my feet wet; before I reactivate my union membership and secure talent and literary agents, community theatre is my start.   

Being a motivational speaker, writer, columnist, retired minister, and host/interviewer/creator/producer for two cable television shows all have been good prep work and stepping stones back to the fields I love and enjoy.

Looking back at my past accomplishments has enlightened and also astonished me…I forgot so much of what I did way back when.  How about you? Have you looked back at your past accomplishments, talents and abilities that have been in memory storage?  Take a bit of time and look back by creating a resume of your accomplishments.  If you are like me it will perk you up, spur you onward and forward.  It was in looking back that a boost of self-confidence filled my heart, my mind and my soul to pursue this new direction and it will for you too.

Don’t be like me and wait until you have that brush/experience with death to follow your dream(s).  Why not take a stab at something new and express your talents and abilities, dabble and get your feet wet, experience a new way of living and being; for that which is inside you is aching to be expressed.  Take a chance on yourself and allow yourself to be the you, you really are.  Know that to you all things are possible.

To all of you, thank you for being there and being part of my growth and continued growthI can’t tell you how important your support has been and is to me.  As the writing continues and new goals/ pursuits are achieved you will be one of the first to know.

Enter stage right…  

Jay   (I have just received a phone call informing me of a role in, The Odd Couple.)     

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

You’ve got what it takes, so take what you’ve got and run with it. 

The Golden Door Of Opportunity is open before you. 

Thank You

   I just want to say, Thank You, for; following, bookmarking, sharing this site on your facebook account and/or tweeting the information, forwarding the posts, and for visiting this blog.

Much  appreciation for all your comments and likes. 

From my heart, Wishing you only the highest and best in life and living.

May the road of ahead of you be smooth and filled with successes beyond your imagination.


The Now

   How often do we ever think about living in the moment, the now?

It seems we tend to view the past or skip to the future but overlook the present moment in which we are living and breathing, perhaps not even aware of this present moment in time.

It is in this present moment that we can take action to create a better future moment to enjoy.

Do we allow the past moments to influence our future, of course we do.  Until we take the time to cease letting the past repeat itself in the future we exist in a vicious circle of history repeating itself and the future moment relived with all the angst of the past and perhaps more.  But the angst relived is always in the present which is the future we had set up in the past present moment of a moment ago.

Life is an awareness of self, of our power, talent, and ability to express It in all It’s great good in the here and now.

We can let past melancholia seep into the future present moment of time or we allow ourselves to take control of our thoughts, beliefs and concepts to initiate a more wonderful future present moment.  Life is how we direct it to be.  Life takes the form of what we deeply believe it is and what we believe we are and worthy of in living our life.

It is the simplicity of living that can be the hardest to achieve with all the fears and blocks we have set up for ourselves to better living.  Do we all have our challenges to overcome?  Yes, each and every one of us.

As we go forward let us not put ourselves down because “I am not…,” but build ourselves up because “I am…”     

Each and every obstacle, challenge, problem that comes our way allow us to utilize the power of our mind to vanquish them with positivity, faith, trust, and confidence in that we are the power over that which has none.  Those non-living “things” only have as much power over us as we give them.


Use it wisely.


Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Joseph Murphy.

“Man is what he imagines himself to be.”

Feel Like

   Ever feel like you are in the  Sahara Desert?  All dried up and withering in the hot sun and stung by the wind blowing sand at you?  When we are feeling sorry for ourselves and all that we are going through an oasis suddenly appears in the middle of it all, giving us; hope, water, shade, date palms and most of all rest from the weariness of all that is going on in our life.

What is this oasis?  It is our inner self beckoning us to rest and partake of the offerings at this oasis to become revitalized, reinvigorated, energized to move forward with a new inner fortitude to overcome the so-called problems/challenges and be renewed in our mind.  We are reminded of our own power and abilities to live life fully, completely and most of all filled not only with a sense of well-being but a life of well-being.  This includes success in being us and prospering by our new attitude and vision of successful living from plain and ordinary to the grandeur of life and all the perks that go with it.  It is at this point we decide, enough already, get off the pity pot and get moving.

The oasis and well-spring of life is within us, it is our spirit.  It is that which knows that we know that all is possible to us. We can be, have and accomplish whatever it is we desire, no limits.  The green and coolness of the oasis bids us to stay and drink from the well-spring which gives us inspiration, focus, direction and has imbued us with the power and authority to champion our lives.

The well-spring of this beautiful oasis is forever within us and when we need to rest, regroup and refocus it is always there for us to visit and relax from the all that is going on in our lives.  As we lean against the palm tree, enjoying the sweetness of its fruit and support, a new inspiration will enrapt us and lead us forward. 

So if you feel you are in the middle of a desert, look up and nearer than you think is the oasis you are looking for.  Stop and refresh yourself.  Let this oasis breathe a fresh breath of life into you through inspiration and inner knowing while you are savoring the sweet dates and shade of the palm tree.         

You deserve the highest and best life has to offer.  Enjoy the journey on the new road of inspiration, focus and direction.


Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Joseph Murphy from his book, Your Infinite Power To Grow Rich.

“The truly rich are those who know the creative power of thought and who continue to impress their thoughts of abundance and prosperity upon their subconscious mind, which in turn causes the thing they think about to be objectified in their experience.”