Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Archive for December, 2013

What Do You Have?

Day Dream 2   What Do You Have is by Dr. Jack Addington.

“What do you have?  Right where you are is a mine of resources more valuable than gold.  You have creative imaginatiion.  You have intuition to guide you and creativity to build beautiful buildings and paint gorgeous pictures.  Right within you is a reservoir of love and understanding that can overcome any problem and inspiration that will move men’s hearts as  well as mountains.  Start with what you have and moe confidently forward.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Champagne   Today’s Positive Thought is by Miles Davis.

In keeping with starting 2014 with a new attitude and outlook on life it is important to know and remember the below quote all year long.

“Do not fear mistakes.  There are none.”

Happy New Year

Fireworks 1   I wish you a New Year of Health, Happiness, Prosperity and Success.

May peace and harmony enter into all areas of your life and relationships.


Your Options

Concentration   Your Options is by Dr. Jack Addington.

As we enter in the New Year it is important that we begin with a clean mental slate, a new metnal attitude, and clear direction.  Over the next couple of posts there will be a variety of information for you on goal setting, beginning with the below quote.  Jay

“Never take it for granted that you have only one way to go.  You may have more viable options than you think.  As you open your mind to consider your various opportunities, new ideas will come to you.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Idea    Today’s Positive Thought is by Diane Marieshild.

Trust that still, small voice that says, “This might work and I’ll try it.”.

Today’s Positive Thought

Aroma Therapy   Today’s Positive Thought is by Ernest Holmes.

“Any sense of inner agitation is now wiped away, and in its place there comes a warm sense of my oneness in essence and experience with all the good there is.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Congrats Toast   Today’s Positive Thought is by Christian D. Larson.

“Whatever you meet in life that seems difficult, or even impossible, remember it is in you to do it.  And what a privilege to prove this amazing fact at every opportunity.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Candle   Today’s Positive Thought is by Howard Thurman.

“Christmas returns, as it always does, with its assurance that life is good.”

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas To All!


Today’s Positive Thought

Leaf Boat   Today’s Positive Thought is by Myrtle Fillmore.

“The blessings that you have already received are only the beginning of a glorious outpouring and spiritual growth will continue always.”