Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Archive for May, 2012

What A Month

Hi Everyone,

What a month it has been.  We had emergency room visits, were rear ended and sideswiped,  doctor appointments, hospital visits, surgery and being a caregiver (still am) and all this within the first few weeks of the month. It has bee a full month of unexpected events.  We are looking forward to June being a quiet and sedate month for us.

Though it has been a rough month in many ways and taxing at times it has strengthened my resolve in staying positive and focused as much as possible, through all these ordeals, on being in the moment and not giving away my power to worry or upset.  As the saying goes, “When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade.”  But what is life without the bittersweet moments so, that, when we encounter those wonderful, joyous, happy moments we can savor their sweetness in their entirety with a smile on our face.  

Time to get back on the creativity train and writing posts and articles.

Have A Great Day.

   Jay ,

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. R.C. Barker.

“Why should you not expect the greatest and the finest in life?  We exist in a Divine Bounty that awaits our taking, and the way of taking is a mental one that starts with desire, decision, and expectancy.  No one is ever too young or too old to expect great things.”

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Emmet Fox.

“The two keys of success are originality and hard work.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Today’s Positive Thought is by Napoleon Hill from his book, The Power Of Positive Thinking.

“So to overcome your obstacles and live the ‘I don’t believe in defeat’ philosophy, cultivate a positive-idea pattern deeply in your consciousness.  What we do with obstacles is directly determined by our mental attitude.”

Memorial Day

Memorial Day brings back many memories from my childhood; my parents and uncles served in WWII and my grandfathers in WWI; it was therefore with reverence that the day was celebrated. My mother would tell a story about a parade that was held in her hometown with a very old Civil War vet riding in a car and everyone cheering him.

Growing up we called today, Decoration Day. The Saturday before Decoration Day the Boy Scout troop I was with would place flags on the graves of all who served at the local cemetery, as well as on Veteran’s Day.

On Decoration Day our town honored our fallen heroes and those who were serving in the military with a parade. All the local school bands, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, VFW members, and a variety of other groups participated in honoring our men and women. Speeches were delivered by our veteran’s one of whom lost both legs in Korea and was a local politician, state, county, and local dignitaries.

On a personal note, I volunteered at our VA Hospital and lo those many years ago I met a young man who lost both legs in Viet Nam. To Carl, wherever you are, thank you. I truly hope you achieved the goals that we spoke of during your recovery.

On this Memorial Day remember to say a prayer of thanks for all who served/serving in the military past and present.

Memorial Day, Remember Our Heroes

Memorial Day brings back many memories from my childhood; my parents and uncles served in WWII and my grandfathers in WWI; it was therefore with reverence that the day was celebrated.  My mother would tell a story about a parade that was held in her hometown with a very old Civil War vet riding in a car and everyone cheering him. 

Growing up we called today, Decoration Day.  The Saturday before Decoration Day the Boy Scout troop I was with would place flags on the graves of all who served at the local cemetery, as well as on Veteran’s Day.    

On Decoration Day our town honored our fallen heroes and those who were serving in the military with a parade.  All the local school bands, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, VFW members, and a variety of other groups participated in honoring our men and women.  Speeches were delivered by our veteran’s, state, county, and local dignitaries.

On a personal note, I volunteered at our VA Hospital and lo those many years ago I met a young man who lost both legs in Viet Nam.  To Carl, wherever you are, thank you.  I truly hope you achieved the goals that we spoke of during your recovery.

On this Memorial Day remember to say a prayer of thanks.

Today’s Positive Thought

  Today’s Positive Thought.   Remember.  

   Thank you!  Please remember to take a minute at 3 p.m. to say a prayer. 

   In Memory of friends and family who served and are serving.  

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

Today, know you hold the key to creativity in your heart and mind.  Use this key to open and explore new avenues of prosperous self-expression. 

  Take A Minute And Give Thanks For The Men and Women Who Have Given Unselfishly Of Themselves, Their Lives, For Our Freedom And Those Who Are On Active Duty All Over The World. 


   It is a holiday weekend and time to get ready for the party or parties…BBQ’s, cookouts, family get togethers and the like.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the cup of coffee or tea before the busy day starts.

My Best,


Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Phillips Brooks.

“No man or woman can really be strong, gentle, pure, and good without the world being a better place for it.”