Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Archive for May, 2013

Today’s Positive Thought

Celebrate YouToday’s Positive Thought is by Joseph Campbell.

“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life.  I don’ think that’s what we’re really seeking.  I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive.”


Goal 4   An FYI is by Ernest Holmes. 

It is a good reminder for us when we feel “iffy” about us and going for our goals.

“Never let anything cause you to doubt your ability…”

Today’s Positive Thought

Zen   Today’s Positive Thought is by Ernest Holmes.

“The idea is father to the fact.  Ideas are real, having the power within themselves to be made manifest.”

Memorial Day

Vet Day 2   Today, in the U.S., we celebrate Memorial Day, a day to remember and recognize all who have served in the armed forces and given their lives.

Wherever you are in the world take a moment and give thanks for all those who served and are serving in the armed forces.  

To my family members, friends who served here, in Canada or the U.K., my heartfelt thanks and appreciation.

As always; to the WWII, Korean War, and Viet Nam vets I worked with as a volunteer in a VA hospital, THANK YOU, you will never be forgotten.  To Carl, hope you and yours are well and enjoying life.


Today’s Positive Thought

Fireworks 1   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jean Houston.

We all have the “extraordinary” coded within us, waiting to be released.

Today’s Positive Thought

Garden   Today’s Positive Thought is by Thich Nhat Hanh.

“As we cultivate peace and happiness in ourselves, we also nourish peace and happiness in those we love.”

Today Positive Thought

Clay   Today’s Positive Thought is by Emmet Fox.

“You must build a new pattern or mental equivalent for the things you want, and then they will come into your life.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Butterfly Art   Today’s Positive Thought is by Lewis L. Dunnington.  This is a favorite of mine.

“What life means to us is determined not so much by what life brings to us as by the attitude we bring to life; not so much by what happens to us as by our reaction to what happens.”

FYI On Change

pca logoThis FYI On Change article is in answer to a question I was asked over the weekend, “What does it take to begin to change your life?”

It was a rather long conversation so the following is a shortened version.

“What does it take to change your life?”  This question came out of the blue and was totally unexpected.

First and foremost we need to choose, make a decision, as to what area of our life we want to change.  Is it in the arena of money, work,  or relationships – personal and/or professional?

Next we need to ask ourself, “Am I willing to give up/change those beliefs, concepts, and thoughts, I currently  hold to that are keeping me where I am in life?  “Am I willing to see myself in a new light of understanding that I am capable of change and need not be stuck where I am?”   If so, what are your goals; short, medium and long-range?  Can you see yourself at the attainment of said goals, enjoying the fruits of your labor and not canceling them with negative thoughts and comments?  Are you willing to change, to enjoy a better life and lifestyle of well-being, success, and prosperity? “Are you willing to pursue new avenues of education, seminars or other ways of improving your life? 

To change our life requires persistence, changing our perceptions of ourself, life, and our life experiences.  It is about coming to the realization that, “I am capable and worthy of the highest and best that life has to offer.”  This is the first step in changing our life and will always be the first step no matter how successful and prosperous we become.  Life always honors us by reflecting back to us what we believe to be true and this causation is seen and experienced by us, which is the effect. 

By changing the way we perceive and believe about a situation the situation changes accordingly, life is always lived from within.   Change begins within our mind with the upgrading of our thoughts and beliefs.  The results will be seen in our life according to the degree/depth we believe about ourself and said situation.  By changing our thoughts we can change our life.  Not always the easiest to begin and give those old comfortable thoughts and beliefs the boot, which have limited us but when we begin and persist, we win in the end, and life becomes to us that which we have worked toward. 

Life is for us, so why are we against us? 

Remember, you are here to experience life  and all it has to offer to further your well-being, success and prosperity. 

Smile, the Infinite is showering you with new possibilities, reach up and grab one, you deserve greater good in your life, here and now.


Today’s Positive Thought

Planting   Today’s Positive Thought is by Ernest Holmes.

“Thoughts going into the subjective are like seeds; they act through the creative medium of Mind and must have within themselves, the full power to develop and express…”