Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Archive for the ‘Florence Scovil Shinn’ Category

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Florence Scovel Shinn.

“Sometimes an insignificant incident may be the turning point in a man’s life.”

“Robert Fulton, watching  some boiling water, simmering in a tea kettle, saw a steamboat!”

Just A Thought

Just a thought is by Florence S. Shinn.

“Man sees first his failure or success, his joy or his sorrow, before it swings into visibility from the scenes set in his own imagination.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Today’s Positive Thought,

 One of my favorite quotes is by Florence Scovil Shinn from her book, The Game Of Life And How To Play It.  She was an author from the early 20th century and very insightful.

“Man must prepare for the thing he has asked for when there isn’t the slightest sign of it in sight.” 

Visualize what you desire as in your life now.  See yourself enjoying it down to the smallest detail.  Accept it as in your life now and never doubt it. Remember, the seen comes from the unseen; from invisible cause, thought, to the material, effect.

I rejoice and am thankful for my success in life and living.