Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Archive for the ‘Money’ Category

Today’s Positive Thought

Here Now   Today’s Positive Thought is by, Ernest Holmes.

I wanted to share two quotes by Ernest Holmes with you today.

“Refuse to think of failure or to doubt your power.  See only what you wish to experience and look at nothing else.”

“If you wish to demonstrate prosperity, begin to think and talk about it and to see it everywhere.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Open Hands   Today’s positive Thought is by Dr. R.C. Barker.

“When your word takes form…When your desire is given a subconscious mold and becomes objectified in your life, it is a demonstration.”  “A demonstration is a manifestation, a prayer answered.”

“Your experience is determined by your consciousness.  God is not waiting, life is already in action.  The thing you want, you already have, but you do not know it.  God believes you have it.”  (So should we.  Jay)

Today’s Positive Thought

Treasure Chest  2   Today’s Positive Thought is an affirmation by Dr. R.C. Barker.

“I know what I want in my world.  I am now going to believe that I have it.”

Conceive It, Believe It, Achieve It!!  Jay

Today’s Positive Thought

Treasure Chest 2 Today’s Positive Thought is by Eckhart Tolle.

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Man At End Of Rainbow   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

Your spoken word, thought, goes forth to accomplish that for which you have sent it to do and it returns fulfilled.

Today’s Positive Thought

Oyster With PearlToday’s Positive Thought is by Napoleon Hill.

Truly, “thoughts are things,” and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire for their translation into riches, or other material objects.

Today’s Positive Thought

Open Lock With Key   Today’s Positive Thought is by Florence Scovel Shinn.

“Man has ever a silent listener at his side–his subconsciousness mind…Every thought, every word is impressed upon it and carried out in amazing detail…man can change his conditions by changing his words.

Today’s Positive Thought

Thinking   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Jack Addington.

“You are what you think.”  Your mental diet determines your life experience.  Any thought that is not positive and constructive, whether it concerns you or someone else, is a negative thought.  Any thought of limitation or lack will reflect as limitation  in your affairs.”

Today’s Positive Thought

AbstractThought   Today’s Positive Thought is by Catherine Ponder.

“Each person forms his world from the rich, unlimited substance within him and around him through his thoughts, emotions, words, and actions.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Choose   Today’s Positive Thought is by, Dr. R.C. Barker.

“Transfer your observation from the condition that you do not want to the condition that you do want.”