Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Archive for June, 2012


   Enjoy the day with family and friends.

Kick up your heels and dance the night away or at least part of it, or just toe tap to the beat of the music.    

Laugh at the absurdities and smile at the rest. 

Perhaps it is merely a whimsical day in which to play.


Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Jack Addington.



   Friday is upon us and the weekend is fast approaching…time for a bit of rest and relaxtion.  After the busy day take time to do something you enjoy and let the stress of the week fade away into the ethers.

Have a great evening and weekend.  Jay

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Napoleon Hill from his book, The Magic Ladder To Success.

“The moment you write out a statement of your chief aim, you have planted an image of that aim firmly in your subconscious mind…Nature causes your subconscious mind to use that chief aim as a pattern or blueprint guiding the major portion of your thoughts, ideas, and efforts toward the attainment of your objective.”


   I want to thank all of you who follow the PCA blog, have a link to it on your blog, on Facebook, Twitter and other social media, forward posts and re-blog posts.  I thank all of you who visit and like the posts/articles on the PCA blog, it is truly appreciated. 

Please know I appreciate you and your support.

Thank you!



Your Goal

   Your Goal today is to be you.  The Successful, Prosperous you.  Set the stage, your work location. You are playing the role of the successful individual, obviously a part that not only suits you but is you.  As the curtain rises you are center stage, lights come up slow and as you turn to the audience, a round of applause greets you…a smile of confidence on your face you begin your dialogue… A standing ovation at the end of Act I.  Act II, you are now captivating the audience with your presence and delivery, a  spotlight follows you from stage right to stage left and your success is stunning everybody, the critics are writing rave reviews in their heads as they take in your performance…OMG, Three curtain calls, all standing ovations!! Act III, the after party, and everyone is congratulating you.  The papers are delivered, critics are acclaiming you a success and the show a smash hit!  How does it feel to be a successful star?  That is what you are so better get used to it. Can I have your autograph?

A star is recognized and born.


Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Emmet Fox.

“Radiate happiness and you help to inspire everyone you meet.  Cultivate happiness and then you must radiate it, for it cannot be concealed.  Misery can be hidden, but happiness can no more be a secret, than garlic can.”

On My Death And Living

On my death and living.  Last year I died of a full respiratory arrest.  I was revived, placed in a coma with two days to live.

Over the course of the past year plus the challenges I have had due to this incident have allowed me to grow on personal, professional and spiritual levels.

Having been on the other side and enjoying it before being pulled back into my body, it changes you in many ways.  It really wasn’t my time to die; my life here apparently has more to do and achieve.  Giving up was not an option, persistence and determination, diligence and the like were and are part of my daily routine, as is meditation.   We can’t afford to give up on ourselves no matter what comes down the pike because we are wonderful creative expressions of life  itself worthy of greater good and well-being.      

The posts/articles on the PCA blog are to convey the beauty and spectacular beings we really are and the power that resides within us and is us and that to us all is possible.

Always remember, you are greater than you think you are and  you can achieve whatever you put your mind to, believe me.


Midweek Boost

    A midweek boost is one that I believe you fully deserve.

I believe in you…believe in yourself. 

You are a valuable and creative individual who has much to offer.  I believe you have the ability to turn lemons into lemonade…and that your talents, even if you think go unnoticed, are visible to world around you.    

You are a talented person, not a number in a computer, who expresses life in positive ways.

You are you and the world is a better place because of it.

Life is for living and you are now living life to the fullest as you.

Open your heart and mind to the rewards life has for you…accept them because you are worthy to experience all the best that this life, world, has to offer. 

You are valuable and worthwhile. 

I embrace you and all that you are.

Go get ’em tiger!!  


I Now Create The Life I Desire – Part 2 of 2

Today I choose to create my new life.

I am a worthwhile and valuable individual with much to give and share with the world around me. 

How we feel about ourselves is reflected to the world around us.  Our aura or thought atmosphere is silently perceived by those around us. Have we not experienced this in our dealings with other people, picking up their vibes so to speak?  We may be out and about, running errands, wearing an old t-shirt with cutoffs and flip-flops but what we radiate speaks volumes.   Knowing we are worthwhile and valuing ourselves we give value and worth to everyone we speak and interact with, something they might not have experienced in a while or at all.  When we give and share without thought of return, that good flows back to us in similar and/or other fashions to enrich our life.  Some of the greatest things that happen to us come from unexpected sources.

I am free to be me, and in so doing allow myself to tap into my inner talents and abilities.

All of us have latent talents and abilities that we have not tapped, perhaps due to fear or other reasons that have plagued us over the years.  Now is the time to be okay with ourselves, our creativity and venture in a new direction.  The first step in this new venture may be a bit wobbly but as we get comfortable allowing ourselves to use our talents and abilities the more secure we become in using them.  It took me time and determination to get over the fear of public speaking and in venturing out with my creativity.  It is our inner fortitude and determination that gets us over the hurdles. Why not let the world benefit from our talents and abilities, as well as us.     

I am beautiful!  I let my inner light of beauty shine for the world to see.

When we feel beautiful, inside and out, and good about ourselves, we glow with confidence and self-assuredness.  This confidence and self-assuredness draws new people and opportunities into our life. 

I am alive with life.  I am thrilled to be me and exhilarated for living a beautiful and successful life for which I have been created.

Need I say more??

I am renewed, alive and aware.  I am all that I can be. 

Yeah! Celebrate the new, vital, beautiful, wonderful, successful you!

I am unlimited in expressing the richness and riches of life.

Always have been and always will be.  The richness and riches of life are both seen and unseen.  You are the crème de la crème, the cream of the crop!  How do you like being rich?  Wonderful isn’t it.  Keep on keeping on. 

I now reap the sweet fruits of my success and prosperity.

Enjoy the harvest, you deserve it!!

Wow!  This is the best life ever.


I Now Create The Life I Desire – Part 1 of 2