Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Archive for the ‘The Power Of Positive Thinking’ Category

Life Happens

   Once in awhile Life Happens. 

Most of the time we run on automatic, not really thinking nor really aware of what is going in and around us, just doing like an automaton (robot).   You noticed I did not write living but doing a very big distinguishable difference. 

Life Happens when we begin to take stock in ourselves, become self-aware and pay attention to that which we are thinking, what is going on around us and decide, fully aware, what we will allow to influence us.  Why not declare and accept our greater good and get our thoughts, beliefs and concepts in line with our goals, our desires and our dreams?  Life is merely waiting for our acceptance of It to grace us with Its greater good which is swirling ’round about us waiting for us to open the door of acceptance that it may flood our being, our lives, with the riches of life, seen and unseen.    

Life happens when we realize our value as an individual and accept that we are worthy of greater and more positive and enriching ways of living and experiencing life and living.  As we increase our self-awareness, self-worth, self-confidence, and self-acceptance we move in an upward and forward direction reaping the benefits of this new way of thinking and believing in ourselves.  Time to get off the pity pot, get rid of the “poor me” attitude, scrap the self-doubt, and enter into the power of self-realization.  As has been said, “You are the power.”  

Positive and productive thinking is our start.  As we apply the principles of positive mental attitudes to our life we will see a definite turnaround of events.  Time to eradicate the doubt and disbelief and embrace Life with a deeper faith in self, knowing that our creative mind, our imagination-the key element for visualization of our greater good, and thoughts can and will bring us success and victory over that which appears to be not so wonderful at the current moment.  Watch as the veil of disbelief lifts and reveals the light of a wondrous day, a wonderful moment a fantastic now experience. 

Believe in yourself, your power and ability to do and to be the successful and prosperous person you desire to be.

Your Time Is Now. Let Life Happen!


Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale from his book, The Power Of Positive Thinking.

“The longer I live the more I am convinced that neither age nor circumstances needs to deprive us of energy and vitality…We are beginning to comprehend a basic truth hitherto neglected, that our physical condition is determined very largely by our emotional condition, and our emotional life is profoundly regulated by our thought life.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Today’s Positive Thought is by Napoleon Hill from his book, The Power Of Positive Thinking.

“So to overcome your obstacles and live the ‘I don’t believe in defeat’ philosophy, cultivate a positive-idea pattern deeply in your consciousness.  What we do with obstacles is directly determined by our mental attitude.”

Today’s Positive Thought

      Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale from his book, The Power Of Positive Thinking.

“To change your circumstances, first start thinking differently.”

” This great law briefly and simply stated is that if you think in negative terms you will get negative results.  If you think in positive terms you will achieve positive results.”

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale from his book, The Power Of Positive Thinking.

“Don’t try to force an answer.  Keep your mind relaxed so that the solution will open up and become clear.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

“So to overcome obstacles and live the ‘I don’t believe in defeat’ philosophy, cultivate a positive-idea pattern deeply in your consciousness.  What we do with obstacles is directly determined by our mental attitude.”

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s positive Thought is by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale from his book, The Power Of Positive Thinking.

“Nothing on earth is greater than the human mind in potential power.”

“Look deeply into your mind.  Amazing wonders are there.”

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale from his book, The Power Of Positive Thinking.

“Think one way and you attract the conditions which that type of thinking indicates.  Think another way and you can create an entirely different set of conditions.  Conditions are created by thoughts far more powerfully than conditions create thoughts.”

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale from his book, The Power Of Positive Thinking.

“Feelings of confidence depend upon the type of thoughts that habitually occupy your mind.  Think defeat and you are bound to feel defeated.  But  practice thinking confident thoughts, make it a dominating habit, and you will develop such a strong sense of capacity that regardless of what difficulties arise you will be able to overcome them.”

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale from his book, The Power Of Positive Thinking.

“You can make just about anything of your life–anything you will believe or will visualize, anything you will pray for and work for.  Look deeply into your mind.  Amazing wonders are there.”