Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Posts tagged ‘Like’

Today’s Positive Thought

Magnet2   Today’s Positive Thought is by Napoleon Hill.

“Like attracts like.  Nothing attracts success as quickly as success.”

Your thoughts and beliefs are magnets that draw to you experiences according to those thoughts and beliefs.  Don’t doubt yourself, your talents, your abilities, or, your dream of a successful life.  Jay

Today’s Positive Thought

Roses   Today’s Positive Thought.

Love is not blind–it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less.  William Lyon Phillips

We like someone because.  We love someone although.  Henri De Montherlant

V Day1


Hi Everyone,

    Have been having a computer selective problem.  When I use the LIKE sometimes it will work, without signing me out, other times it creates an error that shuts down my site.  I have tried numerous times to LIKE but have met with a shut down.  I like you, I really like you!!!

   To those who have commented and liked the PCA posts, thank you, it is appreciated. 

  Have a wonderful weekend.


Feel Like

   Ever feel like you are in the  Sahara Desert?  All dried up and withering in the hot sun and stung by the wind blowing sand at you?  When we are feeling sorry for ourselves and all that we are going through an oasis suddenly appears in the middle of it all, giving us; hope, water, shade, date palms and most of all rest from the weariness of all that is going on in our life.

What is this oasis?  It is our inner self beckoning us to rest and partake of the offerings at this oasis to become revitalized, reinvigorated, energized to move forward with a new inner fortitude to overcome the so-called problems/challenges and be renewed in our mind.  We are reminded of our own power and abilities to live life fully, completely and most of all filled not only with a sense of well-being but a life of well-being.  This includes success in being us and prospering by our new attitude and vision of successful living from plain and ordinary to the grandeur of life and all the perks that go with it.  It is at this point we decide, enough already, get off the pity pot and get moving.

The oasis and well-spring of life is within us, it is our spirit.  It is that which knows that we know that all is possible to us. We can be, have and accomplish whatever it is we desire, no limits.  The green and coolness of the oasis bids us to stay and drink from the well-spring which gives us inspiration, focus, direction and has imbued us with the power and authority to champion our lives.

The well-spring of this beautiful oasis is forever within us and when we need to rest, regroup and refocus it is always there for us to visit and relax from the all that is going on in our lives.  As we lean against the palm tree, enjoying the sweetness of its fruit and support, a new inspiration will enrapt us and lead us forward. 

So if you feel you are in the middle of a desert, look up and nearer than you think is the oasis you are looking for.  Stop and refresh yourself.  Let this oasis breathe a fresh breath of life into you through inspiration and inner knowing while you are savoring the sweet dates and shade of the palm tree.         

You deserve the highest and best life has to offer.  Enjoy the journey on the new road of inspiration, focus and direction.


Baubles And Beads

   Bells, whistles, feather boas, colorful baubles and beads, sequins, sparkles and all out gaudy make for a very colorful and unique day.  How colorful is your day?

We tend to get into a rut with everyday living and working.  Wouldn’t you like to jazz it up a bit?  I realize hanging a fuchsia feather boa on your chair or around your neck and Mardi Gras beads off the corners of the cubicle or picture are not the norm or even allowed in many workplaces, hence we are relegated to jazzing up our mind with the color and energy of positive and creative thoughts.

As we jazz it up, up there, it provides us with a wonderful feeling, permeates all we do and who we are–time to; end the drabbiness (my word), add color, energy, and sparkle to our being.  As we sparkle things up, up there, we glow, we effervesce and are open to new perspectives on life, answers to questions and problems appear with creative ways and resolutions.

Life is about being, being us, without creating too much of a stir, ahem, don’t want to scare people.  Coming from an artistic family (music, art, design) I like the classics and the different that has a style and co-ordination to the scheme/theme of the work.  Sometimes even the extremely outrageous finds a place in my “like” arena of life.  The point is, we are each unique individualized expressions of Life Itself.  Each of us is creative in our own ways.   In being successful it is important to be true to ourselves and not sacrifice ourselves just to succeed and be miserable.  Miserable is not part of successful living.

If we want true success and well-being in our life it is important for us to live our life and too, add color and dimension to our being.  Time to go from 1D to 3 D.

The gaudy bling dresses up the outside for “looks” but the real glitter and sparkle of life takes place within each of us.  Add a touch of color and sparkle to your day today.  Dare to be colorful you–without creating too much of a stir and should people look at you askance–smile and nod and let them wonder why it is you are so excitingly you.

