Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

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What is Positive Cookie Attitudes?

Positive Cookie Attitudes is a way to create a new outlook on life and move forward to attain goals.   It is about understanding your ability to create new and better life experiences for personal and professional success. It is about the power of your thoughts and attitudes and the influence they have on everyday living. 

Positive Cookie Attitudes was begun to help people expand their life experiences into greater success and well-being. 

For years it has been taught that our inner beliefs (thoughts, concepts) are causes which are reflected back to us as an outer expression which corresponds exactly to the inner, effect.  Hence, the saying, “What you think, is what you get.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson in his Essay On Compensation wrote, “Cause and effect, means and ends, seed and fruit, cannot be severed; for the effect already blossoms in the cause…”   Success is an effect.

Equating making and baking cookies is an easy and unique way to explain the cause and effect principle presented in Positive Cookie Attitudes.

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