Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Archive for the ‘Goal Setting’ Category

Today’s Positive Thought

Thinking   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

When I was a lad, my grandmother would say, “Mind your step.”  Which applies to living life…not only do we mind our steps to our goals but let us also mind and be mindful of our thoughts concerning our moving forward to greater living and well being.

Have a grand Friday!




Today’s Positive Thought

Here Now   Today’s Positive Thought is by, Ernest Holmes.

I wanted to share two quotes by Ernest Holmes with you today.

“Refuse to think of failure or to doubt your power.  See only what you wish to experience and look at nothing else.”

“If you wish to demonstrate prosperity, begin to think and talk about it and to see it everywhere.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Day Dream 2   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.Reach For The Stars

You have the POWER.  Use it with WISDOM and PURPOSE to bring forth the life you deserve and desire.

What About Success?

What About Success?

In a conversation this morning the topic of being successful and what it takes to get there was discussed.

Our talk boiled down to the following: A Definite Mind Set on being successful, Determination, Persistence, Enthusiasm, Goal Setting, Keeping On when obstacles appear and last, but by no means least, Never Ever Give Up On The Dream!

Although the person was not one to flaunt their wealth, they had finally splurged on a new car, a Maserati.  An effect of being successful in their field of work, it was also the family car.

When we get sick and tired of being stuck where we are and what we are experiencing, or not experiencing, we  can be motivated to finally say, “Enough!” It is then, that, we can begin a new journey to new and more successful  experiences in all areas of our life.







Golden   This short blurb on success is by Travis De Luca.

One of the parts I discuss when presenting talks on success is, “We can only receive into our life what we see ourselves receiving.”  If we are not liking what we see in our life experience it is time to change our perception of self and situations. Life can only mirror back to us what we believe and accept as true about self and our world of experience, whether it is true or not.  Just some basics to think about.

Today’s Positive Thought

Eagle Today’s Positive Thought is by, Marianne Williamson.

“The key to abundance is meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Gold Star   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

Today is your day!!  The new beginning of a new and powerful week.  This day and week are filled with success after success, from the smallest to the greatest.

Claim your day and week of successes.  See it, Believe it and Achieve it.

Let your life experiences reflect back to you these great successes you have accepted as in your life now.

Life is what we make it, so, let us all make it wonderfully successful.




Today’s Positive Thought

Eagle   Today’s Positive Thought.  Was sent to me by Travis De Luca.

To Be or Not To Be, that is truly the question.  Is it nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of limited thinking and believing or to move forward in expanding our thoughts and beliefs to greater fortune and success?  It is always our choice.

Today’s Positive Thought

Star Guy   Today’s Positive Thought is a partial quote from, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man, But soon or late the man who wins, is the man WHO THINNKS HE CAN.

Today’s Positive Thought

Man At End Of Rainbow   Today’s Positive Thought is by Florence Scovel Shinn.

“Man can only receive what he sees himself receiving.”

“That is, he holds to his vision and gives thanks that the end is accomplished, he has received.”

From the Old Testament, Isaiah said, “My word shall not return unto me void, but shall accomplish that where unto it is sent.”