Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Posts tagged ‘Challenge’

Today’s Positive Thought

JumpToday’s Positive Thought is by Judith Wright.

“To embark on this glorious challenge, you must leave the known and jump away from the familiar, the status quo, to discover who you truly are and can be.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Stepping Stone   Today’s Positive Thought is by Judith Wright.

“To embark on this glorious challenge, you must leave the known and jump away from the familiar, the status quo, to discover who you truly are and can be.”


Mystery is it foreboding or is it a challenge?  Some make it their life’s work to solve a mystery others see it as something to be left alone.  What mysteries do each of us desire to solve and how many of us just leave them alone, wishing and hoping they will disappear.

Mystery surrounds our very living…the mystery of life.  How does our mind work, the brain is the physical vehicle that the mind operates through. Our mind is invisible, it is part of the unseen things in this world, let us call it a world of mystery where there are more things than meets the eye.  

The mystery we all may be looking to solve is, “How do I…?”  We can fill in with the words, “get ahead,” “get more money,” or “get a better job.”  

Some believe that we live in a world of illusion.  Some believe that we create the world around us both individually and collectively.  Some believe that the world in which they live is out of their control.  Some just don’t give a hoot and move through life like a robot on automatic unaware of anything around them, nor do they care to know.

Life is a simple mystery, it is about living.  But what do we see as living? Are we allowing ourselves to be influenced by the outside so that our inner beliefs coincide with the outer or allowing the inner to influence the outer to coincide with the inner thoughts and beliefs?  I believe both.  We are spiritual beings being human, as many I know like to say.  We are a power unto ourselves and the life we live is the life we choose inwardly according to our thoughts, beliefs and concepts about self, our self-worth for instance, and the world around us.  Some chalk up life to karma, reincarnation, and don’t believe they can change it, well, if you don’t change you will be repeating the pattern and stay stuck, something I don’t think any of us truly desire.  The mystery of life is to live it, from the inner to the outer, the Law of Cause and Effect in action.  Life can only be to us what we believe and accept it to be, no more and no less.  Geez, do I have to clean up my act!  How about you? 

Well, now that we know something about the mystery of life what are you and I willing to do to alter the course we are currently following?  The choice is ours. Life is about living and living it well. 

You are and always have been worthy of the highest and best, accept it, let it be a core belief, thought and concept to lead you forward into new beginnings and a new fruitful life experience.


The Autumn Of The Year

It is the autumn of the year; our east coast has been severely hit by wind, water, snow and sand.  Many of the places I frequented as a child, teen and adult are now no more.  My relatives are doing well and making the best of things.  This can sound like our life at times…total destruction and a bleak outlook about what we see.  What we see may startle us at first and give us cause to pause with tears of despair and an, “Oh my god… ”  As the initial shock wears off we see new potential, we become invigorated, find the energy to go forward and create something new in our mind, then, in our outer life.  We may even find the resolve we’ve been looking for.  We become the phoenix and rise from the ashes with a new brightness and power to carry out our decisions.

How we view what is going on around us has a definite influence on how we see a way out of the rubble and onto better living.  Life is forever giving us clues as to how to better our living…perhaps it is an idea, or an opportunity, or a challenge, maybe we are inspired by a book, an article, or a column; whatever the clue is and wherever it came from appears in our life at the right time for the right reason, it then falls upon us to take action or not.

Moving forward means that we affirm, “I am in the right place, at the right time, and meet the right people and the right people meet me.”  Never doubt it, listen to your intuition, you never know who you will meet or what opportunity will present itself.  No-thing is impossible.  Dreams are given us to make real, from the ethereal to the material.  Desires to better our life and our world are impetuses that drive us forward utilizing our talents and abilities for the highest and best results. 

I am in the autumn of my life and am moving forward, undaunted and with more courage than I had a month ago, more energy, and more gusto, more me.  Life will always honor us at our own taking.  I am fulfilling a dream(s) and know all appears at the right time and it has.  Stop wondering how it will happen and just let it happen, I guarantee you will be surprised how “things” and “people” enter your life to better it.


Today’s Positive Thought

Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

“As I rise to the challenge of living the life I choose, I gaze with wonder in my heart and mind at how

I have set myself free from fear, lack, limitation and embraced faith, prosperity and success.

Today is truly the first day of my new life.”

A Goal For The Week

   A goal for the week is a challenge to pick one thing you would like to have changed in your life.

This will require you to change your thought and keep it changed.  Change your perception, belief, self-talk, concepts of this situation/condition that is no longer doing anything for you in a positive manner. 

Be willing to give it, the condition,  up and focus you attention on having that specific good in your life.

Create an affirmation for yourself and repeat it as often as you would like.  Visualize yourself enjoying this particular good and the joy of being free from the confines of past thoughts and beliefs that have inhibited you from a fuller expression of life. 

Do not doubt or negate your new train of thought and should you have a twinge of negativity reaffirm your good.

Conceive this new idea, Believe in it and you will Achieve it!

I know you are successful in this endeavor and have accomplished the manifestation of this good in your life now.



The past couple of days I have been presented challenges to change my thinking and my perception of “things,” not always a pleasant or easy task.

These challenges have enabled me to alter my perception of the world around me and how I react/act to situations.

Meditation has helped quite a bit in getting realigned. 

In all that we do we have a choice; make it easy or make it more difficult than it needs to be.  I did a bit of latter.  Finally woke up to the fact, I was making it more difficult and harder for myself than it needed to be.  I had to remember to get back to basics and realize I am in charge of; my reactions, my letting people, places or things get the best of me.  Taking back control of my thoughts, beliefs, concepts and perceptions has given me the ability to move forward with some new plans.  As many of you know, last year presented many health challenges for me.  We have closed up the baking business as it is not in my best interest to continue and no doubt a way to point me in a new direction.  I am now mulling over a variety of ideas and directions to follow.  

Challenges give us the opportunity to grow and shine in ways we may never have thought of nor even considered.  For all I have experienced I am grateful.  New doors will open and new opportunities will appear at the right time.

Once we get over the initial shock of the challenge and move through it we are stronger and able to see anew.  We set new goals and find creativity springing from every corner to inspire us and lead us forward to a richer life experience.

Life is in constant motion and rather than stagnate in the old ways I am looking forward to flowing with and into new and exciting adventures in living life.

So, as the saga continues and we share our thoughts and ideas with each other we grow in the light and love that forever surrounds us and lifts us up to new heights and most importantly of all, to a new awareness of self.

Will be writing more this week so stay tuned.
