Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Posts tagged ‘Doubt’

Today’s Positive Thought

Here Now   Today’s Positive Thought is by, Ernest Holmes.

I wanted to share two quotes by Ernest Holmes with you today.

“Refuse to think of failure or to doubt your power.  See only what you wish to experience and look at nothing else.”

“If you wish to demonstrate prosperity, begin to think and talk about it and to see it everywhere.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Man At End Of Rainbow   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Ernest Holmes.

“Refuse to think of failure or doubt your own power.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Magnet2   Today’s Positive Thought is by Napoleon Hill.

“Like attracts like.  Nothing attracts success as quickly as success.”

Your thoughts and beliefs are magnets that draw to you experiences according to those thoughts and beliefs.  Don’t doubt yourself, your talents, your abilities, or, your dream of a successful life.  Jay

Today’s Positive Thought

Lion 1

Today’s Positive Thought is by Ernest Holmes.

“Refuse to think of failure or doubt your own power.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Sunrise   Today’s Positive Thought is by Ralph Waldo Emerson.  This is a favorite.

“Finish every day and be done with it.  You have done what you could.  Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.  Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense.  This day is all that is good and fair.  It is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on yesterday.”

Moving Through Fear

pca logoMoving Through Fearpca logo

By: Jay

Important for us to remember when we are going through tough times is to remain focused on the positive; and not to dwell upon the situation that can feed the fear and create more “stuff” in our life that is not helpful in resolving the situation to a positive conclusion.

When we give in to fear we are allowing “fear” to be in charge of the situation and not us.  Fear is not a conscious thing, we are.  Since we are conscious and self-aware beings with the power and ability to change our life for the better why do we forget this when our life experience is in turmoil?  The fear can be so overwhelming it becomes all-consuming, clouds our mind, fills us with doubt and “what ifs” that become our point of focus.  Having been there and experienced this fear I know how devastating it can be.  But it is in our pushing forward with determination, intent and purpose that we overcome the fear and bring light to a dark time in our life.

When I returned home after being in a drug induced coma, due to a respiratory arrest, fears popped up and were accompanied by “what ifs” on a daily basis.  These things occupied my mind throughout the day.  Once the effect of the drug used to keep me in a coma began to lessen I was determined to push myself forward.  This meant setting realistic goals.  Simple goals in the beginning and then more complex goals were set as the weeks, months and years went by. My one great fear was that I lost my ability to be creative, to be able to write and pursue other creative avenues that required me to use my mind in a variety of ways.  I had to face my fears one at a time, step by step, and be willing to take a break when “things” became overwhelming for me.  This blog is the result of one of the first goals I set.

Life is going to be what we make it.  What carries us forward in dark times?  It is being aware that we are conscious beings who have the power and ability to move forward in lifeIt is keeping focused on what we want not what we don’t want.  We move through the fear and send it back to the void from which it came by our determination, persistence, purpose and goal setting.  Giving our power away to non-living fear is not worth the consequences, as we all well know.  The power is ours to create the life we desire to live and express on a daily basis.

Live your life to the best of your ability.  Succeed to the level you desire.  Have an attitude of gratitude.  Recognize you are a valuable human-being endowed with special gifts and talents particular to you to succeed in expressing Life Itself as you.  You are and there is no question about it!



Today’s Positive Thought

Eagle   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

“…Actually what had happened was that he had learned to use one of the most powerful laws in the world…change your mental habits to belief instead of disbelief.  Learn to expect not to doubt.  In so doing you bring everything into the realm of possibility.”

Today’s Positive Thought

#1   Today’s Positive Thought is by Ernest Holmes.

“Never let anything cause you to doubt your ability…”

Today’s Positive Thought

Happy   Today’s Positive Thought is by Ernest Holmes.

“All doubt and fear must go, and in their place must come faith and confidence…”


Goal 4   An FYI is by Ernest Holmes. 

It is a good reminder for us when we feel “iffy” about us and going for our goals.

“Never let anything cause you to doubt your ability…”