Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Posts tagged ‘Decide’

Today’s Positive Thought

Thinking   Today’s Positive Thought is by, Jane Goodall.

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Plan   Today’s Positive Thought is by, Jay.

Today I use my power of decision to create a better life. I decide what thoughts and beliefs shall enter my mind and affect my world of experience.  I decide I am now prospering in all areas of my life.  I decide the life I want to live and I opt for a life of abundance.  I have decided to be grateful and to be of service for in so doing all prosper.

Today I use my power of decision to…

Today’s Positive Thought

Change2   Today’s Positive Thought is by Ernest Holmes.

“We may change the trend of causation which has been set in motion at any time we decide to do so.”



Reach For The Stars   The choices you make affect your life and experiences.

We always have a choice, even when there seems to be none.

We have the choice to act or react to a situation in words and/or deeds.

Life is filled with choices and how we choose impacts our life.

Our choices will either limit our experiences  or allow us to expand and experience more in our life.

We always have the choice to be in a static/stagnant experience or be in a vibrant, alive and enriching experience.  

So, why not opt to follow a dream, a desire, and set a goal or two for a better life?  The choice is yours. 

The life you live is your own.  All forms of success and prosperity await your recognition and acceptance.  Decide to move forward and experience better living and a more rewarding life.

You already are the success you desire to be!

For which I am truly grateful.


Today’s Positive Thougtht

Key   Today’s Positive Thought is by Ernest Holmes.

“We may change the trend of causation which has been set in motion at any time we decide to do so.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

Today I use my creative imagination to visualize my success. 

Today I use my power of decision to decide on accepting and experiencing great successes in all areas of my life. 

Today I am a success and am grateful for it.

I Am What I Am

“I am what I am.”  If I remember correctly from my childhood, Popeye The Sailorman used this line, albeit stated a bit differently, and it is used in a song from La Cage.  How exciting to be what we be, I mean are.  

We are amazing!  We have the ability to bring forth new and more enriching experiences in our personal and professional life.  How often we have read that we can bring forth the experiences we desire.  It is all in our mind’s eye…it is what we see and promote for ourselves within our thoughts that shapes our life.

What do we see for ourselves?  What is our self-perception?  The nice part of what see for ourselves and self-perception is, it is a picture always under construction.  Some days we paint with dark muted colors and other days we paint the canvas of our life with vibrant colors and pastels.  If we are having a dark color day nothing says we have to stay where we are and suffer the slings and arrows of our own making. Yes, we can stop and take in the dark moment to understand it and move out of it, but; no lingering there, no giving up, no listlessness, or allowing ourselves to stagnate in this pond of goo which drains the very life and creativity out of us.  Time to jostle ourselves and know we have the power to decide, the power of decision to say firmly and with authority , “I can change this.”  “I am what I am and what I am is amazing.” “I am is the key to me and takes me to new and bright beginnings.”  I NOW PAINT MY LIFE ON A FRESH NEW CANVAS WITH COLORFUL AND EXCITING EXPERIENCES OF ABUNDANCE, WEALTH, HEALTH, PROSPERITY, WELL-BEING, SUCCESS AND ALL THAT I KNOW I AM DESERVING OF.” 

There is a creative power within and around us waiting for us to present it with the images of a better life so it may act upon and create the desired effects from the definite causes/thoughts presented to it.  

You are an artist.  In you is an eternal beauty and creativity.  Now is time to pick up the new canvas and paints to let the  inner artist of life express itself.  Let your inner beauty out and say, “I am what I am and what I am is amazing and prosperous.”  

Yes you are!


Yes, we did purchase the “I Am What I Am” t-shirts when we recently saw the show.

Creative Thinking

   This quote on creative thinking is by Dr. R.C. Barker.

“Creative thinking gives a zest to living, and you are a creative thinker when you decide to be one.”

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. Maxwell Maltz from his book, Psycho-Cybernetics.

“Decide What You Want—-Not What You Don’t Want”

“…select the goals you wish to achieve—and concentrate upon these rather than upon what you do not want.”