Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Posts tagged ‘Choice’


Fear Of Lack

What if people did not allow the fear of not having something in their life to dominate their thoughts and beliefs?  When people give away their power to fear it controls every aspect of their being and life experiences, thus, leading to more of the same which overflows and effects/affects all areas of their life.  

We cannot be of two minds if we are to conquer whatever fear it is we are allowing to control our life and experiences.  It is important for us to be single-minded and see, visualize, what it is we need/desire and accept it as in our life now.  We have to make a choice; either we stay in a mental state of fear and angst or we can focus our power on the positive and life enhancing thoughts and beliefs that will improve our experiences.  The choice is ours; to live a life engulfed in fear, or, to live a life filled with an unshakeable faith and plenty.  What say you?   Are you ready to tell fear to take a hike and no longer allow it residence in your mind, your thoughts, beliefs, life?

 By: Travis De Luca


Today’s Positive Thought

Eagle   Today’s Positive Thought.  Was sent to me by Travis De Luca.

To Be or Not To Be, that is truly the question.  Is it nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of limited thinking and believing or to move forward in expanding our thoughts and beliefs to greater fortune and success?  It is always our choice.

Just For You

 Just For You

By Jay

Batter   …next we crack an egg, have the milk and butter at room temp, flour and other ingredients sifted in a large bowl.

Mixing batter   Mix the wet and dry ingredients until well blended, pour into the mold(s) of your choice.  Bake until done. Do not keep looking at it,  just let it be and viola at the right time it is magically done.

Dessert Tier   Enjoy your creation(s).  Jay

Today’s Positive Thought

KeyToday’s Positive Thought is by Neale Donald Walsh.

“A life lived of choice is a life of conscious action.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Oyster With Pearl   Today’s Positive Thought is by Ernest Holmes.

“Man has the ability to choose what he will do with his life, and is unified with a Law which automatically produces his choice.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Choose   Today’s Positive Thought is by Ernest Holmes.

“We cannot live a choice-less life.  Every day, every moment, every second there is choice.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Wisdom   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

Today, your day.  It is a day and a week of your mental creations (causation).  Think and believe what you desire and see the results.  Lament about what is not and more of the same shall enter your experience.  Your life your choice.  Choose wisely that which you desire to experience.

Today’s Positive Thought

Choosing Direction   Today’s Positive Thought is by Alan Cohen.

“Every choice before you represents the universe inviting you to remember who you are and what hyou want.”


Reach For The Stars   The choices you make affect your life and experiences.

We always have a choice, even when there seems to be none.

We have the choice to act or react to a situation in words and/or deeds.

Life is filled with choices and how we choose impacts our life.

Our choices will either limit our experiences  or allow us to expand and experience more in our life.

We always have the choice to be in a static/stagnant experience or be in a vibrant, alive and enriching experience.  

So, why not opt to follow a dream, a desire, and set a goal or two for a better life?  The choice is yours. 

The life you live is your own.  All forms of success and prosperity await your recognition and acceptance.  Decide to move forward and experience better living and a more rewarding life.

You already are the success you desire to be!

For which I am truly grateful.


Today’s Positive Thought

Choices   Today’s Positive Thought is by Alan Cohen.

“Every choice before you represents the universe inviting you to remember who you are and what you want.”