Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Posts tagged ‘Desire’

Today’s Positive Thought

My World   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

Life is too short to be stuck in limited thinking and believing.  Why not let your imagination run wild and deliever to you new and vital ideas to pursue.  Can’t hurt and you’ll never say to yourself, “If only…”

Dare To Imagine, Dare To Dream, Dare To Set New Goals and Venture into new ways of being and living a more interesting and successful life.  What the heck?  It is worth your trying.

Have a fantastic weekend!!



Today’s Positive Thought

Day Dream 2   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.Reach For The Stars

You have the POWER.  Use it with WISDOM and PURPOSE to bring forth the life you deserve and desire.

Pick And Choose

Butler Silver Tray   Pick And Choose   Congrats Toast

By: Jay

Going out to enjoy a meal is always, pick and choose off the menu.  Hmm, what do I want today?  Steak, chicken, salad, seafood, so many choices but we have to decide what we want as our entrée.

Such is life.  Pick and Choose what we want to experience, except that we at times forget to look at the menu and end up getting the same old thing.  Time to remind ourselves that life is a banquet table filled with all the delicacies life has to offer, all for our taking and enjoyment.

Today, just for today, order a new enriching entrée something you’ve been wanting to try.  Now remember, everything is cooked to order.  As soon as the order is placed the kitchen is getting it ready to be delivered to you on a silver platter.  Enjoy the new dining experience and remember to always look at the menu and pick and choose what you desire the kitchen to work on for your main course.

Today’s Positive Thought

Rose Petal HeartToday’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

Love Yourself Unconditionally! There are no, “If only I had or was…”  Loving yourself changes your life and experiences.

Appreciate Yourself for all that you are here and now.  Once you begin to appreciate yourself and who you are, changes begin to occur in your life in unexpected ways.

Believe In Yourself, your dream/desire. Life will honor you, your dream/desire accordingly.

Today’s Positive Thought

Open Hands   Today’s Positive Thought is by Christian D. Larson.

“Your life is in your hands.  You may live as wish.  You may secure from life whatever you desire because there is no limit to life and no limit to your capacity to live.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Day Dream 2  Today’s Positive Thought is by James Allen.

“To desire is to obtain; to aspire is to achieve.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Wisdom   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

Today, your day.  It is a day and a week of your mental creations (causation).  Think and believe what you desire and see the results.  Lament about what is not and more of the same shall enter your experience.  Your life your choice.  Choose wisely that which you desire to experience.

Today’s Positive Thought

Oyster With PearlToday’s Positive Thought is by, Jay.

“Any successful venture, undertaking, began with; an idea, a thought, a dream, and a desire.”

“What is your idea?”

Today’s Positive Thought

Day Dream 2   Today’s Positive Thought is by Napoleon Hill.

“The starting point of all achievement is desire.’

“There may be no heroic connotation to the word ‘persistence,’ but the quality is to the character of man what carbon is to steel.”

Today’s Positive Thought

AcceptedToday’s Positive Thought is by Ernest Holmes.

“Accept the good you desire.”