Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Archive for the ‘Positive Cookie Attitudes’ Category

To Be

ActingTo Be

By: Travis De Luca

William Shakespeare wrote. “To be or not to be…”  This is our question about our creative career(s) and our life.  What is it we want to be?  Do we want to continue as is or do we want to move into a greater sense and experience of well-being, prosperity, success and yes, money?  There is power in our thoughts, words, decisions, and concept of the world around us. It is always our choice what we decide to give power to in our life and career.  Be positive in your self-concept and in all you do to achieve your goals as a creative individual.  As actors, writers and creatives we are always playing “make believe,” so why not utilize our skill of “make believe” to create the career and life we desire and to accomplish our goals.  Life will always honor us by reflecting back to us what we accept as true about ourselves and our world of experience.

This is from a post Travis De Luca wrote.

Pick And Choose

Butler Silver Tray   Pick And Choose   Congrats Toast

By: Jay

Going out to enjoy a meal is always, pick and choose off the menu.  Hmm, what do I want today?  Steak, chicken, salad, seafood, so many choices but we have to decide what we want as our entrée.

Such is life.  Pick and Choose what we want to experience, except that we at times forget to look at the menu and end up getting the same old thing.  Time to remind ourselves that life is a banquet table filled with all the delicacies life has to offer, all for our taking and enjoyment.

Today, just for today, order a new enriching entrée something you’ve been wanting to try.  Now remember, everything is cooked to order.  As soon as the order is placed the kitchen is getting it ready to be delivered to you on a silver platter.  Enjoy the new dining experience and remember to always look at the menu and pick and choose what you desire the kitchen to work on for your main course.

Just A Thought

SunJust A ThoughtSun

By: Jay

It pays for us to remember that there is power in our words, thoughts and decisions.  A friend affirmed she would get a guest role on a new television show and she did, turned out to be a recurring role, better than she thought.

What is it you and I are affirming for ourselves?  When we affirm as one who has power and authority in our world of experience that which we affirm or something better enters into our life.

Whatever it is we are affirming with power and authority in our words, thoughts, beliefs and decisions we cannot waiver or doubt, but be firm in our resolve and unexpected events will and do occur to benefit us in a variety of ways.  To this I can attest.

Believe It, Claim It, Accept It as in your life now and watch what greater good enters your life.

Success? Failure?

Thinking   Success?  Failure?

Which are you afraid of and why?   This was a topic of conversation with other writers and speakers.

Your answer will give you the reason and lead you forward.  If we can face this fear we can move forward to better living and well-being.  There is no time limit on this, you will do it when you are ready and committed to removing this fear from your thoughts, beliefs and self-concept.


Today’s Positive Thought

Rose Petal HeartToday’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

Love Yourself Unconditionally! There are no, “If only I had or was…”  Loving yourself changes your life and experiences.

Appreciate Yourself for all that you are here and now.  Once you begin to appreciate yourself and who you are, changes begin to occur in your life in unexpected ways.

Believe In Yourself, your dream/desire. Life will honor you, your dream/desire accordingly.

Today’s Positive Thought

Man Golden Key   Today’s Positive Thought is by Dr. R.C. Barker.

“Ideas stand at the filtering point of your consciousness waiting for your clarity in order to function in your consciousness and thereby appear in your world.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Jump   Today’s Positive Thought is by, Ernest Holmes.

“We exist in Limitless Opportunities, which are forever seeking expression through us.”

What About Success?

What About Success?

In a conversation this morning the topic of being successful and what it takes to get there was discussed.

Our talk boiled down to the following: A Definite Mind Set on being successful, Determination, Persistence, Enthusiasm, Goal Setting, Keeping On when obstacles appear and last, but by no means least, Never Ever Give Up On The Dream!

Although the person was not one to flaunt their wealth, they had finally splurged on a new car, a Maserati.  An effect of being successful in their field of work, it was also the family car.

When we get sick and tired of being stuck where we are and what we are experiencing, or not experiencing, we  can be motivated to finally say, “Enough!” It is then, that, we can begin a new journey to new and more successful  experiences in all areas of our life.






Today’s Positive Thought

World In Hand   Today’s Positive Thought is by, Florence Scovel Shinn.

“All power is given man (through right thinking) to bring his heaven upon his earth…The simple rules are fearless faith, nonresistance and love!”

Today’s Positive Thought

Thinking   Today’s Positive Thought is by, Thomas Troward, from his book, Edinburgh Lectures.

“…the action of thought-power is not limited to a circumscribed individuality.”

“What the individual does is to give direction to something which is unlimited, to call into action a force infinitely greater than his own, which because it is in itself impersonal though intelligent, will receive the impress of his personality, and can therefore make its influence felt far beyond the limits which bound the individual’s objective perception of the circumstances with which he has to deal.”