Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Archive for the ‘Positive Cookie Attitudes’ Category


Movie CameraThis is FYI is by my friend, Travis De Luca, about people who label people, “losers.”Stage

I was out and about town today and heard people talking about “losers.”

Ok, here it is.  No one is a “loser!”  Someone may be unaware or unaware of their talents, abilities and potential but they are not “losers!”

Perhaps we can take time to mentor someone and allow them to discover their potential, abilities and talents so they can move forward to greater success in their life.

No doubt we have all missed an opportunity or two in our life but that does not mean that similar opportunities cannot make an appearance in our lives.  Opportunities are always knocking at our door and we can either answer the door or ignore it.  Our choice.

So, if you are upset about missing an opportunity or two, stop beating yourself up over it!  Opportunity is making an appearance at your door at the most unexpected times.

Missed two very big opportunities when I was young;, one for a television show regular and another for a B’way production.  If  I continually berate myself nothing comes of it but if I know that opportunities abound for me, then so be it.  Life is about living not wallowing in the past about mistakes.

Go get ’em tiger!!



Today’s Positive Thought

Thinking   Today’s Positive Thought is by, Jane Goodall.

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Closed Eye   Today’s Positive Thought is by, Jay.

Today, let your positive thoughts and beliefs be your prayers to be fulfilled with grace and joy in your heart.

Today’s Positive Thought

Plan   Today’s Positive Thought is by, Jay.

Today I use my power of decision to create a better life. I decide what thoughts and beliefs shall enter my mind and affect my world of experience.  I decide I am now prospering in all areas of my life.  I decide the life I want to live and I opt for a life of abundance.  I have decided to be grateful and to be of service for in so doing all prosper.

Today I use my power of decision to…

Today’s Positive Thought

HurdlesToday’s Positive Thought is by, Og Mandino, from his book, The Greatest Salesman In The World .

“Obstacles are necessary for success because in selling, as in all careers of importance, victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats.  Yet each struggle, each defeat, sharpens your skills and strengths, your courage and your endurance, your ability and your confidence and thus each obstacle is a comrade-in-arms forcing you to become better…”




Golden   This short blurb on success is by Travis De Luca.

One of the parts I discuss when presenting talks on success is, “We can only receive into our life what we see ourselves receiving.”  If we are not liking what we see in our life experience it is time to change our perception of self and situations. Life can only mirror back to us what we believe and accept as true about self and our world of experience, whether it is true or not.  Just some basics to think about.

Today’s Positive Thought

Joy2   Today’s Positive Thought is by Napoleon Hill.

‘Find out what you wish to do–adopt a definite chief aim–then concentrate all your energies in support of purpose until it has reached a happy climax.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Open Hands   Today’s positive Thought is by Dr. R.C. Barker.

“When your word takes form…When your desire is given a subconscious mold and becomes objectified in your life, it is a demonstration.”  “A demonstration is a manifestation, a prayer answered.”

“Your experience is determined by your consciousness.  God is not waiting, life is already in action.  The thing you want, you already have, but you do not know it.  God believes you have it.”  (So should we.  Jay)

Today’s Positive Thought

Day Dream 2   Today’s Positive Thought is by Florence Scovel Shinn.

“Man can only receive what he sees himself receiving.”


Today’s Positive Tlhought

Garden   Today’s Positive Thought is by James Allen.

“Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions, but when he realizes that he is a creative power, and that he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of  which circumstances grow, he then becomes the rightful master of himself.”