Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Posts tagged ‘Paths’

New Chapter

Congrats Toast   This past Saturday a chapter of my life was closed, a bit overdue, and a new chapter opened with new career paths.  New Endings and New Beginnings were the order of the day.  There was a celebration that included the ending of the old and welcoming the new with friends from both past and present.  A bright and sunny future greeted me with; open arms, new friends and colleagues. 

Opportunities are on the rise and I look forward to investigating them all.

I was a bit hesitant about the closing of this last chapter in my old life and had to make a decision to be true to myself, my desires, my dreams, while setting goals along the way. 

Life is always giving us cues and clues about the changes that will bring us more joy and happiness in our life and in our relationship with ourselves, family, friends and colleagues.  It all depends on when we are ready to gird our loins and move forward into a new life experience which will bring us great fulfillment as an individual. 

One of my favorite partial quotes is by Wm. Shakespeare, “To be or not to be…”  I chose to be me.  Not always the easiest decision to make when it affects all areas of your life. 

The journey ahead is filled with excitement and newness.  This new life has been tugging at me for quite a few years and it appears the decisions made were at the right time.

I wish you continued success on your journey to being you and to all you set your mind and hands.
