Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Posts tagged ‘Blueprint’

Goals 2015

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By: Jay

When I present motivational talks one of the topics concerns either muddling through life or living life with a goal oriented vision.

If we are to achieve our dreams and desires it demands that we change/alter the way we think and believe about our self, our world of experience, our self-concept and our belief in our innate talents and abilities.  We are not meant to muddle through life, it is a choice one makes to muddle through life with the, “Alas, woe is me,” attitude and belief system.  Living a fuller and richer life in all aspects is also a choice.  It is more than a “can do attitude,” it is in knowing we are worthy and capable of achieving a better life experience.  The “toys” we gather along the way are effects/results of being more successful in life.

How many people do we know who have faced severe health challenges and have overcome them and used not only a positive attitude but an inner fortitude to conquer the seeming unconquerable?  Part of their going forward is in their setting of goals, be they aware of it or not.

Procrastination in setting our goals means it will take more time to achieve our dreams and desires of a better life and living conditions.  I have firsthand knowledge of this situation, not something I recommend.  The longer we wait to put our mind to at least setting a basic blueprint of the direction we want to go, the longer we are missing opportunities that will open the doors to our success.  For instance, if I don’t listen to my intuition and write up an idea at that moment it is a lost opportunity and that idea/inspiration may or may not come again into mind.  I am sure you have had similar experiences.  Can’t tell you how many opportunities I missed due to not having a basic idea/blueprint of what I wanted to achieve, that has since changed.  How about you?

There will be more articles in January 2015 about the importance of goals and goal setting.


Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Napoleon Hill from his book, The Magic Ladder To Success.

“The moment you write out a statement of your chief aim, you have planted an image of that aim firmly in your subconscious mind…Nature causes your subconscious mind to use that chief aim as a pattern or blueprint guiding the major portion of your thoughts, ideas, and efforts toward the attainment of your objective.”

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Napoleon Hill from his book, Think & Grow Rich.

“Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once to put this plan into action.”