Positive Attitudes With A Baking Twist

Posts tagged ‘Beginning’

Today’s Positive Thought

Gold Star   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

Today is your day!!  The new beginning of a new and powerful week.  This day and week are filled with success after success, from the smallest to the greatest.

Claim your day and week of successes.  See it, Believe it and Achieve it.

Let your life experiences reflect back to you these great successes you have accepted as in your life now.

Life is what we make it, so, let us all make it wonderfully successful.




Today’s Positive Thought

Leaf Boat   Today’s Positive Thought is by Myrtle Fillmore.

“The blessings that you have already received are only the beginning of a glorious outpouring and spiritual growth will continue always.”

Today’s Positive Thought

Day Dream 2   Today’s Positive Thought is by Phillps Brooks.

“We are haunted by an ideal life, and it is because we have within us the beginning and the possibility of it.”

A Time In Life

pca logoA Time In Lifepca logo 

 By: Jay

There comes a time in life when one must take that dreaded first step to new beginnings.  It begins as a bit of a nudge and grows into a full-blown kick in the shins, should we decide not to listen or understand the meaning of the nudge and the direction it is guiding us to for our greater good in life.

No worthwhile thing in life is without risk, without girding our loins to go after that which we seek..  Yes, sometimes we have to make what we want to happen by creating the means by which our success can begin to take form and lead us to bigger and greater things.  It could mean creating a new business out of our garage or spare room, creating a demo tape or writing a script, producing it and starring in it to have our talents recognized.  It can encompass Inventing a new gadget or way of re-designing an existing product to make it better, etc.

Life is about creativity, about creating something tangible from the invisible ethers of our thought.  Life is about birthing and bringing forth a dream, a desire, to express ourselves in a positive and constructive manner to benefit the world in which we live.

Moving forward necessitates us to take chances, to risk, to initiate the ways and means necessary to achieve our goals in a positive and constructive manner.  Life will always give us hints about what we need to do if we but listen to that still small voice inside us.  We are not without power, talent, creativity and ability to bring forth new ways to our success.  If Life be for us, then, we darn well should be too!  We cannot continue to live in fear of being successful or fear failing at a venture or taking a step or two back so long as we learn along the way, which translates to success.

The knowledge we gain from life, when things don’t go as planned, gives us wisdom in the way we carry on to our goal.  Knowledge and wisdom are our partners in life and allow us to find them in the most unusual and sometimes most ridiculous ways.  Never discount a chance encounter and always listen to that still small voice of intuition when it speaks to you. 

Today, engage life and your creativity to live life anew.  Today is your new beginning; embrace it and rejoice in your new and successful journey in life.

Carpe Diem, Seize The Day, my friends. 


Today’s Positive Thought

Clock   Today’s Positive Thought is by Mrs. Manley, from 1696.

“No time like the present.”

Let today be your day of action. 

Today, step out and create a new start, a new beginning, a new story of you and your success.  

Carpe Diem, Jay

Today’s Positive Thought


Today’s Positive Thought is by Napoleon Hill.

“Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes.  Ideas are products of the imagination.”


   Monday, the beginning of week-long celebrations of successes.

Take a moment to visualize the way you’d like to see the week progress and be flexible in achieving your goals.

Remember, Monday The Fun Day!!

Wishes of successes and intuitive flashes for your fantastic week of prosperity!


Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Jay.

The beginning of any success is an idea.


   Today is Monday, the beginning of the work week. 

Ok, so it is a slow start, begin to: One: Find your inner power and use it.  Two: You are a creative individual, so use your creative power to start the week with a big bang…  Three: You are a wonderful individual and within you is the ability to have a  prosperous and successful week. 

You are and that is all you need to know.


P.S. See It, Believe It, Accept It.

Today’s Positive Thought

   Today’s Positive Thought is by Napoleon Hill from his book, Think & Grow Rich.  

“Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes.  Ideas are products of the imagination.”